Tuesday, August 14, 2018

This is our Novaliches Zone taken today Aug 14,2018. It is our last zone/ district meeting. We will miss all the wonderful Elders and Sisters.

Even though this is the rainy season, there has been a surfeit of rain in the last week.  Flooding has occurred in many areas of the mission.  This is a video that Ken took at the front of our apartment.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Security guards are stationed in many places here.  They inspect your purse and person at every entrance to a mall.  They're stationed in a "guard shack" at the entry of every housing development. 
Since we've been here for a year we've made friends with many of them. 
This is Pathricia Pondug, a security guard for The Redwoods.

The guard at MacDonalds, where we buy our Monday breakfast of Egg-de-sol.

The guards at the entry of Redwoods

The regular way to describe people you graduate with from schooling, go with to the MTC, go with into the mission field is to describe the groups as a "BATCH".  Thus the missionaries who left on August 8 were the August Batch. We were included with them, even though we're leaving on the 20th.

This is a photo of the August Batch, taken the day that they left.


Elder Bryan, with whom we have worked closely was also transferred on that same day.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Sunday, August 5 we attended Novaliches Ward and took photos of our friends in that ward.  The man beside Ken is Bishop Movilla.  Christina, his wife, is on the far left.  Fe Crescencio is standing beside her and in front is Jorlyn Manila.  Those three ladies were the specialists in the ward who helped update the records.

On August 1, 2018 we drove 6 hours south to Taal Lake and Taal Volcano.  We took Brother Mausisa from Don Antonio Ward as our tour guide.  This photo was taken at an overlook of the lake and you can see Taal Volcano in the background.

The road down to the lake reminded us of the Going-to-the-Sun road.  At the lake we took a boat to the Taal Volcano island.

Elder and Sister West from Arizona were also with us on the trip.

Once we got on the island, we hiked up to the volcano.  It is an active volcano which last erupted in 1977.  Inside the crater is Crater Lake and along the shore you can see venting and steam rising. 

There is an island in Crater Lake.  So it is an island with a volcano with a lake with an island.  

For a year now, we have been having FHE once a month with all the missionaries living in our apartment building.  This photo was taken after FHE on July 30.  The Ogdens, on the far left are a couple who arrived in the middle of July. Leslie made the treat for FHE that night.