Monday, March 27, 2017

There are several edible things here that are delicious!  We really like mangos and the photo is of Ken holding a mango that is ready to serve.  In his right hand is a whole mango and also a seed from the one that is ready to serve.  They're really big seeds and take up about 70% of the whole mango.  Sister Bremner showed us how to serve them.  Bananas are also good here.  The photo shows how they look kind of small and wizened but they're sweet and delicious, more-so than the big ones we get at home.  It's kind of like the difference between carrots that are grown in your garden and are sweet and flavourful and carrots that you buy at the grocery store which are just okay tasting.  The little bananas are sweet and flavourful.  There's also photos of a carved pineapple which we bought at a stand by the road and a watermelon.   Both are better here than what we get at home.

This is a photo of some hamburgers we got at "Star Mall" a few kilometers from home.  They have black and turquoise and green and pink buns.  Amazingly they taste like regular bread.  Notice the fries which are covered in mayonnaise. The mall photo is from the inside of Star Mall.

1 comment:

  1. Love the look of the pineapple - and the buns look "interesting" too. I hope you are finding lots of food that you enjoy (here at home, I'm picking up KFC for supper. Do they have that there too? )
